Strategy and Business Survival during Disruptive Times: A Survey of Passenger Transporters in Harare, Zimbabwe during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Business leaders must be strategic about
their operations to ensure success in different operating environments. The COVID-19,
which emerged as a public health pandemic that affected businesses in different
sectors differently. Passenger transport businesses were directly affected after
the movement of people was banned for extended periods, during the lockdowns. The
lockdowns represented a disruption in the operating environments. The study sought
to assess the effect of strategic management on the survival of passenger transport
operators during the COVID-19 induced lockdown disruptions in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Data were collected using survey questionnaires distributed to representatives of
100 passenger transporters in Harare, from which questionnaires were returned. Results
showed that 84 percent of the passenger transport operators have formal organizational
structures of which about 73 confirmed the practice of strategic planning. Therefore,
there is high adoption of strategic management by passenger transport operators
in Harare. The most effective strategies for enhancing business survival in disruptions
are diversification and competitive strategies. The logistic regression model results
showed that the existence of a formal structure minimized the negative impact of
the COVID-19 lockdown disruptions on the survival of passenger transport operators
in Harare.
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