The Implementation stages of ERP application and It Advantages

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.07.01.Art002

Authors : Peter M Kamara, Peter M Kamara


Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) system has become the standard for organizations to achieve collectiveness and better integration within a business set units/department. The ERP system creates the platform for integration of all business processes that guaranty immediate tracking of the business growth. For Large organization with multiple office locations, benefited more on ERP platforms as it integrates all their offices business processes on a real-time basis that give managers and top Executive an overall performance of the company or a snapshot of the company activities. It also provides the decision-makers quicker analysed information from their desktop to reach a conclusive decision for the smooth running of the organization. It helps Management to control better and reposition the organization trend of doing things as its scoop information from various departments. This article will enable scholars to understand how ERP is implemented and its benefit for any organization setting.


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