Implications of Water Development Projects on Community Welfare; The Case of Eloumden I Mbankomo Sub Division, Mefou and Akono Division

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.21.01.Art005

Authors : Roosevelt


Global trends like desertification, urban growth, and economic restructuring are making water increasingly scarce and water access increasingly inequitable in cities around the world. While much is being done to extend water provision systems to most communities, the roots of water scarcity are complex and difficult to resolve. Today, as communities face water scarcity challenges, research is needed to help mitigate its impact on the environment and human welfare. The aim of this research is to establish the implication of water development projects on community welfare in the Eloumden I community through determining the different waters sources, knowing the causes of water supply problems in the Elounden I community and examining the various health related hazards caused by water crisis in this community. The research performed participant-observation, direct observations, and survey interviews in an impoverished, water-scarce neighborhood in Elounden I community. The study contains a thorough discussion of the definition and operationalization of the “community water scarcity” concept, including water provision, water sources, and the environmental impact. The data indicate that water scarcity greatly affect the health situation of the population of this community. When people are first hit by severe water scarcity, the health concerns become more intense.


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