Assessment of the impact of Delayed Reimbursement by the National Health Insurance Scheme on the Supply Chain Management of St. Dominic Hospital, Akwatia, Ghana

The National Health Insurance
Scheme (NHIS) is a major social intervention program ever initiated, implemented
and championed by the Government of Ghana in its quest to achieving universal health
coverage for all the citizenry. Although a beautiful and highly acclaimed and acceptable
scheme by many, the implementation of its payment regime of reimbursable claims
to service providers is fraught with several challenges of which delayed reimbursement
of submitted claims to health service providers is a major one. It is assumed that
this anomaly disrupts the supply chain management of service providers with some
consequential results in general service output of the latter viz; availability of prescribed medicines, surgical and medical consumables, patient
waiting time and medical and surgical equipment. Employing descriptive and inferential statistics in a cross-sectional
study with the problem statement, variable assessment, instrument development, method
of data collection (primary and secondary), data analysis and report writing well
captured, the researcher concludes that there is some amount of truth that truly
delayed reimbursement by the NHIS has some consequential results on the general
service output of healthcare providers and therefore recommends prompt payment of
submitted claims by the NHIS.
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