The Role of “Social Class” in Relations to Educational Background, Income and Occupation in the Namibian Society

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.06.02.Art009

Authors : Josephine Shailemo


This paper examined the roles of social class in relation to education, income and occupation in the Namibian society specifically for the Windhoek residents. Qualitative research design was chosen to describe this study. Windhoek was selected as a case study because it is the capital city of Namibia and most of classification and combination of social class could easily be obtained there. The targeted population of Windhoek city is 268,000 but the population sample size was about 10 constituencies in Windhoek and out of those constituencies only 10 people per constituency were chosen for an interview. The study surveyed hundred (100) people from Windhoek, 10 residents per constituency. It was a survey whereby data was collected by the use of questionnaire which were prepared and presented to respondents and also the use of oral interviews was conducted. To give meaning to data, primary and secondary data was analyzed and presented in a form of tables, graphs, chart etc. The study found out that education, income and occupation do really relate to social class. The study recommends three things; firstly, the government of Namibia should intervene to assist the needy and encourage them to study, but they can also do it by giving them loans; Secondly, the society should come together and form up groups for self-sustainment; thirdly, future researchers should do more research of the entire country to generate adequate information on social issues.


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