The Impact of Brand Awareness on Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Ghana Limited

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Authors : Isaac Tandoh


Given a much broader array of product choices offered in the current financial market and ubiquitous marketing efforts in Ghana, customers often turn to a favorite brand to facilitate their purchase decisions. Brand awareness creation and strategies seem to serve as a roadmap to customer decision facilitator. This study is principally focused on the impact of brand awareness on customer loyalty, a case study of Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Ghana limited.

Data was drawn from both primary and secondary sources and the main instrument for data collection was the questionnaire and interview involving 301 respondents sampled from the customers of Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Ghana Limited across Ghana and a brand manager of Sinapi Aba Savings and loans Limited.


Generally, the study revealed that, brand awareness strategies practice is a very prominent feature in the savings and loans industry in Ghana and customers are very much aware of the various brand awareness strategies practiced by Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Ltd. Events influencing actual decision to patronize the services of savings and loans industry which included brand trust, Corporate reputation, peer group opinion, recall of ad’s, service delivery and employee appearance ranked highest.

The study recommends that savings and loans companies in Ghana need to do a continuous follow up to establish long term relationship with new customers when implementing brand awareness strategies.


Brand, awareness, strategies, relationship, trust, reputation


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