Business Environmental Scanning and Ethics Impact on Small Scale Enterprise: A Case Study of Las Palmas Restaurant

Importance of environment scanning and
ethics in the business world is superlative and global in its nature. The ethical action and environmental
scanning of businesses in developing countries are highly linked with business performance.
This study therefore evaluates the business environmental scanning and ethics
impact on the performance of small-scale enterprises, Las Palmas Restaurant. The
research approach used was exploratory. Primary data has been collected by using questionnaire,
interview and focus group discussion to collect the desired data from managers and
employees. The study has been conducted through a case study. As the target population
of the study has been managers and employees. A Sample size of 40 is taken; the
collected data analysis has been supported by Microsoft Excel 10. As result shows
that business environmental scanning and ethics have positive effect on the performance
of small scales.
Keywords- Ethics, Environmental Scanning, Business Performance.
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