Impact of Practices of CSR on the Performance of Business in the Context of Contemporary Nigerian Society

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.02.Art022

Authors : Kingsley Nwagu


This research examines the impact of practices of CSR on business in the specific context of contemporary Nigerian society. Bulk of existing research on this topic area was reported in Anglo-American context. A survey was undertaken to address three basic questions namely, is the practice of CSR relevant? Will practicing CSR make or mar profit? Do Nigerian manufacturing companies practice CSR? Data were subjected to series of multivariate analysis and it was found that CSR is very relevant to business in Nigerian society. By extension, the analysis using control variables dependent of CSR indicated that positive relationship exists between CSR and business performance at a moderate significant level. In addition, it was found that indigenous Nigerian manufacturing companies performed CSR unknowingly.


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