Understanding Factors Influencing Employees’ Retention in an Organization Today

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.02.Art018

Authors : Yanga Elias Lagu


Employees’ retention in an organization reduces costs in terms of recruitment, training of new staff and loss of institutional memory as a result of experienced and skilled staff leaving the organization. The study helps organizations to establish policy framework to reduce the turnover level and increase employees’ retention. Employees’ turnover brings in new ideas, fresh perspectives, experiences and skills to the organization. However, it leads to losing employees whose skills, talents and experiences are valuable to the performance of the organization. Qualitative and quantitative approaches adopted, self-administered questionnaires were given out to about 65 respondents randomly selected and the results summarized, analyzed and presented in tabular and graphical format. In addition, secondary sources of information consulted.

According to the finding, 100% of the respondents confirmed employees’ turnover in the organization is affected by the job insecurity. 62% believed lack of opportunity for staff capacity development influences employees’ turnover, 54% of the respondents asserted working a distance away from the family is one of the reasons staff leave for another organization and 77% confirmed that staff mobility is influenced by better compensation package elsewhere within the humanitarian organizations and 92% stated high family dependency rate as one of the factors that makes staff move for better paid job because the income in the current job is not enough to care take of the family members. The study noted that an organization that invests a lot in its human resources has high level of employees' retention and motivation today.

Keywords: Factors, Influence, Employees, Retention and Organizations.


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