Community Support during Disasters: A Review of Internally Displaced Population in Lakes State

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.02.Art014

Authors : Gai Emmanuel Mabor


Community is a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. In the context of emergency management, before any government machinery and support reaches or outside help gets galvanized, it is the community which must respond almost immediately.

This article articulates the role of community support during critical times of emergencies; ascertain how humanitarian organizations can enhance community resilience; explain whether humanitarian interventions which transcend to targeting hosts communities are appropriate in the context of Lakes State’s displacement; and explore the significance of community level preparedness and how community-based preparedness actions can be done in the context of Lakes State.

Three case studies of multi-hazard internal displacement of communities in Yirol East, Awerial and Rumbek North were reviewed. The triggers of displacement of communities were armed conflict, floods, and acute lack of food.

Findings depicted that community support was critical immediately during the onset of the emergencies, communities had no or were not involved in any preparedness processes, aid delivery was overly top down and carried out by humanitarian organizations, humanitarian interventions involving hosts communities were at least helpful in sustaining cohesion between IDPs and host communities. In the absence of community-based disaster management mechanism, the article recommends that humanitarian organizations focus on involvement and participation of community members in preparedness and enhancing capacities of the community to ensure resiliency.

Keywords: Preparedness, Resilience, Response, Recovery, Empowerment, Internally Displaced People, and mitigation


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