Impact of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Generation of Employment in Nepal
For an underdeveloped
and developing nation uplifting economy up to expectation is a challenge. Raising
economy in such context must have accelerated growth and development that improves
quality of life. Small and medium scale enterprises are provisions for fast
growth and fulfillment of economic prosperity by any nation. The economy
depends on its working population for economic growth and development. The
economic reform in the early 1990s in Nepal pulled the attention of the private
and joint investment to seek the financial sector. National and regional development
strategies, the strategies towards poverty reduction of individual member
should underline the
importance of private sector promotion. In this research A total of 200 copies
of the questionnaires to be administered. The instruments to be used are gather
information for this study includes questionnaires and interview. Two different
statistical methods are to be employed to analyze data for the study; the tools
are simple percentage and chi square test.
keywords: youths, employment,
economic growth, small and medium enterprises, Nepal.
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