The Theory of Disequilibrium: Why Complexity is Required to Sustain Organizational Management

study of management has been a series of sequential events contingent upon the
exploration of multiple fields of study. Widely and broadly inclusive in the
evolution of organizational management are sociologist (Max Weber), economist
(Adams Smith), philosopher (Pluto) etc. This research has attempted analysis
and classification of organizational management in three phases: Pre-industrial
era, industrial era and post-industrial era. In a second fold, this research
has compounded and formulated the theory of organizational disequilibrium or
simply put the theory of disequilibrium. This theory has been adopted to
emphatically, intrinsically and extrinsically elaborate to a comprehensive
whole, the variance of imbalance of organizational management across the
evolutional phases of management, in a highly complex digital transitioning and
transformational era. A dashboard analysis of the theory exposed organizational
management and leadership (internal environment) as a fundamental fracture
impeding organizational growth from reaching the required complexity of the digital
age. In furtherance, provided measures to mend the organizational fracture.
Keywords: management; evolution;
organizational disequilibrium; imbalance; complexity; leadership.
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