Prospects of Introducing Modern Technology into SME Businesses in Ghana

The prospects of introducing
modern technology into the operations of Cottage and Small industries has been the
focus of most governments in emerging markets due to the enormous benefits it accrues
to the economy of nations. The study is aimed at determining the strengths and opportunities
linked with introducing modern technology into these local industries. The findings
and recommendations of the study will go a long way in identifying the vast prospects
of economic benefit to the government and also to the other stakeholders involved.
The problem of youth unemployment can be reduced by the introduction of modern technology
in the cottage industry as discovered during the study. It is also envisaged that
the study will also have some impact when it comes to enriching the body of knowledge
on the subject of technology management introduction into cottage and small-scale
enterprise businesses in Ghana. The study found out that, prospects for introducing
modern technology in the cottage industries are very bright considering that a lot
more output could be achieved to bring in more income to cottage groups like weavers,
palm oil producers, Shea butter producers, soap and other beauty products producers
etc. than the existing traditional methods. It also came out during the study that
it is unlikely that the existing small cottage owners/workers would be able to fund
the equipments needed for a smooth integration of technology into their businesses.
The study concluded that the introduction of modern technology into the cottage
industry business is likely to enhance the fortune of the industry as well as create
more jobs and therefore stakeholders should liaise with the appropriate authorities
including the Trade & Industry ministry and Employment & Social welfare
ministry to ensure that the necessary structures have been put in place to enhance
the smooth integration of modern technology into SME industry in Ghana.
Keywords: Cottage industry, Technology management, Prospects,
Small industries, innovation.
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