Kaizen Practice in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities

This article describes the
Kaizen practices that have been observed in Ethiopia. Best experiences, learnings
and challenges and opportunities will be discussed. It demonstrates the Kaizen approach
in Ethiopia context has proven success in companies in terms of improving productivity
and efficiency of the business operations. As it is now, there is also a huge opportunity
of learning from the implementation of Kaizen in terms of identifying the exiting
opportunities to scale up the best practices and improve in some areas where challenges
have been encountered. The findings come from literature readings and secondary
data analysis on the research conducted and the reports on the Kaizen implementation
processes of the piloted companies. The employees and the management understood
and applied Kaizen concepts and tools, and significantly improved key processes,
for example, The findings of one of the research made on Kaizen in Ethiopia indicated
that in one of the piloted projects of a company called Kadisco Chemical Industry
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the implementation of the Kaizen culture was found to
increase labor productivity by reducing, on average of 50%, time wastage for searching
tools; improved a defect ratio which ranged from 50% to 70%; and improved lead time
in the range of 16% to 90%.
Kaizen; Ethiopia; Productivity; lead time; Kaizen Culture; Improvement.
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