Transforming a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) into an Enterprise Beyond SME level: A Case Study of Mwaiteka Investment

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.01.Art020

Authors : Ernest Mubita


The SMEs are spread across the country and their social-economic contributions to the communities in which they are found cannot be ignored. Mwaiteka Investment, an enterprise where the study was carried out, is one of these SMEs that are found in Kabwe, Zambia. This enterprise has been in business for over 18 years and has not grown, a situation which has brought a lot of concerns and hence the need for this study to find out why the enterprise has not achieved any growth.

The stagnation in growth of the enterprise is a big challenge which needs to be addressed because of the enterprise’s contribution to the national development. If this challenge is addressed the enterprise will reduce the unemployment and poverty levels further in the country and also contribute more to the national treasury.

The study collected data using research tools such as interviews, observations and data from enterprise’s records. The data was analysed using descriptive analysis and the study then came up with findings, and conclusions. Some of the findings from the study indicated that poor entrepreneurial and enterprise culture, inadequate resources, lack of credit facilities, lack of skilled and experienced manpower, Business Development Services (BDS) programmes too expensive were some of the factors which could have contributed to challenges the enterprise was facing.

Keywords: SMEs, Innovation, Growth, Culture.


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