The Presence of Talent Management Practice among the Few Selected State-Owned Enterprises in Namibia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.01.Art016

Authors : Helena Megameno Nailonga Hakweenda


The management of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) in Namibia are faced with mammoth of challenges especially ensuring the organisation has the right people ready for critical roles now and in the future. This is absolutely necessary, to avoid inefficient and ineffectiveness in performances. One of the major approaches used to achieve the availability of talent pools in performing organisations is the practice of Talent Management. This study sought to establish the level of existence and application of the systematic approaches required in managing the career growth of high potential employees in SOE in Namibia. Secondly the study is aimed at identifying the mechanisms implemented and challenges experienced by these companies in managing their talents. Interviews and structured questionnaires involving the participation of over four (4) SOE’s was used as the main tools for this study. The findings of this study revealed that the lack of understanding the Talent management practice and benefits to organisations is a critical factor affecting the practice of TM in Namibian SOE’s based in Windhoek. The study thus, recommends that SOE’s give this factor special consideration when strategizing their company performance approaches. The study further recommends that studies be done to explore other factors other than lack of understanding on the Talent Management Practice affecting the implementation of TM to continuously improve the SOE’s performances.

Keywords: Talent Management, Talent pools, SOE’s, Succession plan, Replacement plan.


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