The Changing Nature of the Human Resource Function: Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving High Performance through Contemporary HR Practices

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.01.Art012

Authors : Vishvanath K.P.V. Doerga


The rise of volatility in world market coupled with globalization necessitated the rearrangement of various functional activities in order to meet the organizational strategic objectives. This, as a consequence, has triggered the birth of new strategic roles for HR functions as the outcome of this global trend (Mohiuddin, 2011).

The fundamental objective of AICI is sourcing the people with the requisite skills attitude and experience to achieve the goals and objective of the organization viz-á-viz, investing in their employee’s education, by providing the opportunity for each employee to participate in all the training that the company are providing, in order to retain them. Some HRM competencies are considered more important and can be done by training planning, training needs analysis, communication, technological literacy, business knowledge, and technical competencies were regarded. An organization need to have effective strategies for performance management, by setting clear goals and expectations for work performance, which also involves monitoring employee performance with regular check-ins and meetings, offering rewards and praise for good performance and addressing poor performance, do regular rating performance through reviews and continuously developing the capacity for optimum performance. Employees cannot meet the performance expectations or company goals if they are not clearly outlined, HR will also need to check in with teams and employees periodically not only to gauge progress but also to provide feedback. With a good performance feedback, it will reinforce strong skill sets and positive behaviors while showing opportunity and areas with a clear strategic planning for improvement (Pollock, 2018).


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