Analysis of the Adequacy of National Agricultural Policy in Addressing Entrepreneurial Education of Selected Agricultural Training Institutions in Zambia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.01.Art005

Authors : John Phiri


The study seeks to establish the adequacy of National Agricultural Policy in addressing entrepreneurial education of selected Agricultural Training Institutions in Zambia. A descriptive survey design was employed using a mixed methods approach but with greater focus on qualitative approach. Purposive random sampling procedure was used. Quantitative data was analysed using frequencies, percentages and tables while qualitative data was analysed thematically. Most of the respondents interviewed acknowledged that the current National Agricultural Policy did not adequately address entrepreneurial education in Agricultural Training Institutions. The National Agricultural Policy, both in terms of content and strategies did not appear to achieve the desired result of entrepreneurial education as they tended to be biased towards food security, fish, crop and livestock production compared to nurturing entrepreneurs. It showed fragmented sectorial strategies and policies which did not point to entrepreneurial education. A general lack of comprehensive institutional frameworks and Acts of Parliament to support and address the issues of entrepreneurial education in Agricultural Training Institutions was observed as a major constraint to job creation. The study concluded that entrepreneurial education in the National Agricultural Policy was inadequate. This research, therefore, recommended integration of entrepreneurial education in the National Agricultural Policy and enactment of appropriate strategic Acts of Parliament to support entrepreneurial education and decent job creation.

Keywords: Agricultural Training, Entrepreneurial Education, National Agricultural Policy


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