The National Health Insurance Scheme an Alternative Source of Health Care Funding in Nigeria: A Case Study of Borno State

In nearly every society, the standard of living is to a
large extent determined by access to goods and services that fulfilled basic human
needs. The qualities of a country’s population, no doubt, enhance productivity,
economic growth and development. The declined in Nigerian Government revenues since
the wake of the economic crisis of the 1980’s has necessitated cut in public expenditure
including health which leads to increase in out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure in health
of average family. To reduce the OOP, the government introduces the National Health
Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Nigeria to compliment government and family’s effort
in health care financing.
The paper aimed to look into the role of National Insurance
Scheme as an alternative source of health care financing in Nigeria most particularly
in Borno State.
The research intents to galvanized the stakeholders in
the state to understand the need to identify more opportunities for financing health
especially with focus on to support the reduction of maternal and child mortality
in the state.
Stakeholders in the program states were made to understand
that, financing health is not the sole responsibility of government or agencies
but everyone business. There is the need to holistically support the implementation
of the scheme in the state.
The emergence and success of the health insurance scheme
as a means of co-financing health care in developed nation e.g. United Kingdom,
China etc., and its attendant success propelled the developing nation like Nigeria
to adopt the scheme with the view to finding lasting solutions to its peculiar high
health indices/ care problems and there is the need to have the enabling policy
environment for the full benefit of the scheme.
for indexing: Northern Nigeria, Borno state, National Health
Insurance scheme, health financing, out-of-pocket expenses, stakeholders, service
providers, utilization, maternal mortality rate, child mortality rate.
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