Using Innovation in Organization as a Survival Strategy in a Highly Competitive Telecommunication Industry of Ghana: Prospects and Challenges: The Case of Vodafone Ghana Limited

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.05.01.Art023

Authors : Dominic Kwesi Eduah


The study investigated the prospect and challenges of how Vodafone Ghana is employing innovation as a survival strategy in the highly competitive telecommunication industry of Ghana. Amongst its specific objectives were analyzing the market performance of innovation products and services placed on the market by Vodafone Ghana as well as examining to importance innovation as a survival strategy in the telecom industry of Ghana. The study also identified challenges confronting Vodafone Ghana in using innovation strategy as a survival tool. The researcher adopted the onion research approach, which unfolds the various stages of research from the sampling, questionnaire design observations and interview as well as data management. In selecting the respondents, purposive sampling technique was employed. The questionnaire technique constituted the main research instrument although some face-to-face interviews were also carried out to straighten up some of the responses reflected on the questionnaire. The study findings noted that Vodafone Ghana parades such innovative products and services as broadband facilities and money transfers among others to compete in the local industry. These services were seen to be enhancing socio-economic systems because they facilitate money transfer to business fellows and relations as well as enable customers to talk much longer. On challenges negating innovation efforts at Vodafone, the study discovered that competitors often copy and expand the scope of new products thereby pre-empting benefits that accrue from research and development activities. Frequent internet failure also disrupts the benefit derivable from Vodafone innovative products and services. Recommendations were made to address these challenges.

Keywords: Innovation, Prospects and challenges, Telecommunication, Ghana.


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