The Relationship between Mission Statements and Corporate Social Responsibility in Zambia: A case of Commercial Banks

purpose of this Study was to show the linkage between mission statement and corporate
social responsibility of commercial banks in Zambia using the Fred R. David Model
for mission statements and the Archie B. Carroll Model for CSR. Reflecting on literature
on how banks in Zambia have embraced and practiced corporate social responsibility
(CSR). This study contributes to the CSR literature by examining annual reports
and websites about current CSR activities of Commercial banks in Zambia.
The study used quantitative approach and Qualitative approaches
a mixture of two to collect primary data through a structured questionnaire, annual
reports and websites from Central and Commercial Banks. 17 banks formed the sample
for the exercise and data was collected and analyzed descriptively and the results
overall results indicate a very weak, negative correlation between mission statement
and corporate social responsibility programs in commercial banks of Zambia. Evidence
from the study also suggests that all commercial banks in Zambia had a formal mission
statement and about 94.7 percent had CSR program.
study only covered Commercial Banks that operate under the central bank of Zambia
and mainly obtained data from the websites and annual reports.
study provides an insight into concepts about Mission statement and corporate social
responsibility in the banking industry in Zambia and in Africa at large, which to
the best knowledge of the author, have not been done extensively before.
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