The effect of Brand Association on Consumer Patronage of GSM Service Providers in Kano Metropolis

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.05.01.Art017

Authors : Bayero Usman Jaafaru


The research is aimed at investigating the effects of brand association on consumer patronage of GSM service providers in metropolitan Kano. The study utilized descriptive survey research design with both descriptive and inferential statistics used as techniques of data analysis. The five Likert type rating scale was used in measuring responses to the questions. Specifically, linear regression model was used to determine the impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The analysis of the study revealed that perceived quality of service was found to significantly influence consumer patronage of service providers. The finding of the study also revealed that the use of the celebrity for promotional activities by GSM operators has no effect on consumer patronage of service providers. It was also found that consumer patronage of GSM service providers was not influenced by the fact that GSM companies engaged in sponsorship of notable events. The study recommends more investments in facilities, quality control technologies and strategic development and implementation of plan for delivery of high-quality service. There is also the need for service providers to ensure greater coordination of efforts in the use of celebrities for promotional activities. There is the need for more investments in social amenities by the GSM service providers.


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