Conflict Resolution in the United Nations: Case Study of the Ombudsman

conflicts in the United Nations is time-consuming but a necessary task. It usually
ranges from minute disagreements to major cases that may even lead to litigation
or violence. Conflicts have an adverse effect on health of the staff, productivity,
morale and staff performance. This study is a cross sectional study designed to
examine and portray conflict management systems, its awareness and its effectiveness
in the United Nations. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire
distributed to UN workers in the Hq (New York), selected Offices away from Hq and
selected department of peace keeping operations (DPKO). Data analysis was done using
SPSS20.0 The result showed that by location the Ombudsman
had 35% of the cases from the UN Headquarters in New York,38% of cases from offices
away from the UN headquarters in New York and 27% of cases from field missions (DPKO).
It further showed that cases by staff category were: P and above: 38%, UNV&
Consultants: 23%, Former Staff:2%, National Staff: 2%. Furthermore, breakdown of
cases was as follows: promotion/entitlements/conversion (29%), Separation/termination
(19%), Entitlements (15%), Standard of Conducts (12%). Multi-issues (10%), Inter-personal
issues (8%), Conditions of service (5%), Referrals (2%). Recommendation requires
that training and awareness programmes should be conducted periodically to create
awareness on the existence of the structure of conflict resolution structure via
the office of the Ombudsman.
Peace-keeping, UN General Assembly, ombudsman, conflict resolution, staff members,
United Nations,
Staff members.
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