The Impact of Digital Outside on Financial Sector of Sub-Saharan Africa

has brought to the banking industry new business models, development concepts, from
internet, mobile banking to monetization of transactions on different platforms
and intermediaries. Currently there is no doubt that the banking sector is at a
major crossroads. This disruption can be seen also from the demand and supply of
financial services, forcing banks to develop new low-cost models. Due to this pressure,
almost all commercial banks in West and Central Africa are in the process of crafting
their own digital strategy with the principal objective of offering more inclusive
banking services to the population who in their majority has limited or no access
to banking facilities. Recent studies show that less than 10% of Sub Saharan Africa
population is banked, yet not much research has been done in this area to understand
why. Thus, the need to investigate the impact of digitalisation of Banks external
(Digital Outside) processes on the financial sector, of Sub-Saharan Africa. This
study made use of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The relationship between
digitalization and customers of banks was investigated using Pearson correlation
coefficient. There was a positive correlation between the two variables [r= .236,
n=278, p=.0.05], where increasing levels of digitalization is associated with higher
levels of customers satisfaction. Based on the finding of the study, one can conclude
that internet, mobile, ATMs, are the mostly used digital channel to reach the customers
and thus increases the level of customer satisfaction and digital banking adoption
in sub Saharan Africa.
Keywords: Digitalization, Customers Satisfaction, Profitability,
Digital outside.
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