Customer Relationship Management, A strategic Tool for Business Sustainability: The case of Small, Medium Enterprises in Ghana

The purpose of this
article is to highlight the lack of business sustainability of small and medium
enterprises in Ghana and how the trend can be reversed through the adoption of customer
relationship management and strategic management practices as a solution for sustainable
business that can transcend generations.
Small and medium businesses
in Ghana more often either collapse, shuts down or in case owners are sick, the
business cease or when owners die, the business dies with them. Those that are able
to put structures and systems in place soon become dreary and inward looking and
eventually fall into decline, as a result of lack of strategic management and customer
relationship management. Failure to build, develop and manage strategic and customer
relationships creates complacency stifling growth and profits notwithstanding business
expansions, hence the business folds up or shuts down with economic turbulence.
According to Bloomberg,
8 out of 10 small and medium businesses fail within the first 18 months and the
reason being that, they simply run out of cash. (Bloomberg 2013). The trend can
be reversed if small and medium enterprises embeds the necessary elements including
customer and strategic relationship management practices to enable their long-term
Implications of the
short lives of small and medium businesses in Ghana is an indication of a cycle
of stifled economic growth as new businesses keep springing up but without a successful,
practical and workable existing business model to emulate or learn from to support
their sustainable business practices.
Keywords: customer relationship management, strategic
management, service management, business sustainability.
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