The Nature of Recruitment and Employee Performance in Government Organizations in Uganda (East Africa), a case study of Wakiso District Local Government

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.05.01.Art004

Authors : Bombo Henry Lubega


The study sought to investigate the nature of recruitment and its effect on employee performance in government organizations in Uganda with reference to Wakiso District Local Government. The objectives that guided the study were; to identify how Educational levels influence employee Performance, to examine the relationship between experience and employee performance & to establish the relationship between personal training and employee performance.

The respondents were selected using stratified, purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Descriptive and Associational research designs were adopted with Data gathered through Questionnaires and interview guides administered to respondents. Out of the 142 questionnaires distributed to the target sample, 127 responses were received. The SPSS technique was used to establish the relationship that existed between experience and employee Performance, Personal training and employee Performance & between financial Status of the organization and Employee performance.

The major findings from the research study indicated that the Level of education is a key aspect of employee performance in an organization. It acts a better tool for recruitment in the organization. The study findings revealed that there is a positive linkage between the educational level, experience, personal training and financial status on employee performance.

The study recommends that there is a need to motivate the employees and to ensure socio-economic development, adopt a general policy of transparency & encouraging the development of performance personal training processes that ensure that performance expectations are agreed upon and reviewed regularly.

Keywords: Recruitment, employee performance, Motivation, educational level, experience, personal training and the financial status of the organization.


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