Modern Business Ethics, Anti-Corruption and Corporate Governance in the United Nations

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.05.01.Art002

Authors : Etiki John Firstday


The fundamental of modern business ethics, anti-corruption and co-operate governance in the United Nations is to support an organizational culture that is informed by integrity, accountability, transparency and respect. Organizational culture describes the social norms and rules of behaviour that express our beliefs about ourselves, how work is accomplished, and how we relate to each staff relate with each other as well as outsiders. More than 50% of work-related conflicts are related to ethical issues, corruption and violations of governance. The ethical behavior of organizations is rarely recognized as a pillar of good corporate governance. However, there are many ways that ethics underpins much of UN business behaviors, whether it is at the senior management or staff members’ level and regardless the UN organization’s geographic location, size, or specialization (agency). The moral underscoring the decision-making processes can be observed not only at the UN level but also from an OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) country doing business in its own back yard. This largely depends much on the quality of mangers .

In an ethical organization like the UN, 95% of every staff member is usually able to recognize, appreciate, and resolve ethical issues that arise in our everyday work. Thus, staff members are able to take decisions based on the shared values and core competencies.

Keywords: Corporate governance, ethics, anti-corruption, teleology, United Nations, management, UN agencies, stakeholder, shareholder, corporate social responsibility.


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