How to Improve Satisfaction of Outpatient at Hoan My Da Lat

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.04.02.Art016

Authors : Quoc Nguyen Gia Bao


This study aims to describe the level of satisfaction of patients and their families, The study is supported by a sample of 1068 patients, which is 653 outpatients with 40 questionnaires and 415 inpatients with 35 questionnaires during 26 July to 25 Aug 2016 from all of the Hoan My Da Lat Hospital fields to whom an evaluation questionnaire was given to be filled out on the day of their release. The average age is from 1-18 & 18-55, and 62% are female - 38% are male for outpatient is 48% male and female 52%. The section under the heading of:

·     Expectation of patient to Hospital Service

·     Medical staffs (doctor, nurse, technician and pharmacist) attitude and treatment result.

·     Standard of procedures and information approach to patient.

·     Good support from customer service team, receptionist and cashier

·     Clean, Facility, cost treatment and equipment support.

·     Simple and waiting time.

Keywords: Patient satisfaction, outpatient, Orthopedic, O&G, Gastroenteritis, Internal Medicine, Quality.


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