The Effect of Microcredit on the Development of SMEs in Ghana: A Case Study of Ho District in the Volta Region

emerged as a noble substitute for informal credit and an effective and powerful
instrument for poverty reduction among people, the objective of this study is to
estimate the effects of micro credit on the development of SMEs in Ghana. A total
of 171 respondents were selected by using random sampling technique were administered
to MFI and SMEs at Ho in the Volta Region, for them to indicate their views on micro
credit in the area and how to improve it. A structured schedule of questions was
prepared for this purpose. The research instruments used in the study were questionnaires
and interviews. Simple statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics including
tables were used in analyzing and summarizing the data. It was noted that access
to financial institutions products and services is a crucial element for the development
of SMEs. Thus their sustainable growth will largely depend on the capacity of financial
institutions to mobilize resources from low valued to high valued and invest in
SMEs activities. However, inadequate collateral, difficulty of processes, fear of
inability to repay, and high borrowing cost were frequently mentioned reasons by
SMEs for inaccessibility of banks products and services. Finally, The National Board
for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) and other SMEs funding and promotion agencies
should incorporate SMEs coping strategies into their policies, programs and orientate
them to replicate these strategies for others to enable SMEs have flow of resources
(inputs) for production.
Keywords: Informal Credit,
Economic Development, Income Generation,
Industrialization, Economic Growth, Micro-Credit,
Global Financial Systems, Alleviate Poverty.
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