Challenges and Strategies for Rapid Response in Disaster Relief Operations in Ghana

Natural disasters are catastrophes that are beyond the control of humans.
However, the effects of natural disasters can be reduced through rapid response
and effective post-disaster management strategies. This study examines the barriers to effective disaster relief
operations in Ghana and propose strategies for ensuring efficient response in disaster relief operations.
Questionnaires were used to obtain data from officials of ten major disaster
relief organizations in Ghana. The study revealed a number of constraints affecting
disaster relief operations in Ghana. Key among these are lack effective planning,
lack of logistics, people’s behavior and perception and lack of coordination and
corporation. Strategies for efficient disaster relief operations should include
appropriate in-country training and education
to personnel, proper coordination among stakeholders and improvement in logistical
suppliers through increased funding for disaster relief organizations.
Keywords: Natural Disasters and Catastrophes, Rapid Response, Disaster
Relief Operations and Relief Organizations.
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