The Influence of Top Management on Market Orientation in Malawi

The paper investigates the prevalence of market orientation
in insurance industry in Malawi. It is a well-known fact that market orientation
improves business performance because all the right actions relating to the market
and consumers are well thought through. This being a behaviour construct requires
the top leadership to be fully involved and walk the talk in leading the organization
to drive the marketing agenda.
The study aimed to find out the status of the insurance
companies on market orientation while at the same time checking the influence of
top leadership in the implementation of the marketing concept, a prerequisite for
market orientation.
MARKOR scale for assessing market orientation was used
bearing in mind that some of its constructs review the cultural angle thereby revealing
employee behaviour towards their drive to live and or implement the marketing concept.
Survey was conducted in one insurance company under the case study research methodology
using simple random sampling. Primary data collection was complemented with qualitative
in-depth interviews at the same company. Analysis was done using SPSS tool version
The findings reveal that insurance companies in Malawi
are market oriented. In addition, top leadership has strong influence on market
orientation. Some shortfalls were identified for companies to work on to correct
these shortfalls in order to achieve high-level market orientation.
Keywords: market orientation, insurance marketing, marketing concept, top leadership and market orientation, influence of top leadership, insurance sector in Malawi.
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