An Evaluation of Commodity Supply Chain and Logistic Strategy for Internally Displaced Persons in Borno and Plateau State, Nigeria

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.04.02.Art003

Authors : Omede Solomon Abdul


This study is an attempt to evaluate the logistics and supply chain processes involved in providing humanitarian aid commodities for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Jos Plateau State, Central and Maiduguri Borno State, North Eastern Nigeria.

The study was carried out in two IDP camps, one located in each of these two towns – Jos and Maiduguri, with the method of survey questionnaire which was administered to 60 respondents randomly selected from 200 state and non-state actors involved in the supplying of aid commodities to both camps at the time of this study.

The findings uncover gaps between research and practice; providing new insights into human behaviour in the humanitarian aid commodity logistics and supply chain management. Explanations for these barriers and possible solutions to mitigate them are disclosed in the course of this study.

The summary of the findings from the study are: Initial IDP needs assessments are not done, no clearly outlined national disaster management plans, the capacities of the state and non-actors inadequate and Logistics Service Providers generally ill equipped.

It is in the opinion of this researcher that in order to ensure a very effective and efficient response to the needs of Internally Displaced Persons in Jos Central and Maiduguri North Eastern Nigeria the state and non-state actors must address the gaps identified in this research.

Keywords: Camps, Conflict, Disaster, Displacement, Host Community, Humanitarian Logistics, Humanitarian Aid Commodities, Humanitarian Aid Worker, Internally Displaced Persons, Kampala Convention, Logistics Service Providers, State and non-state Actors and Supply Chain Management.


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