Patients’ Perception on Benefits of Medications for treating diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJCR.2014.04.02.Art002

Authors : Ahmed Mohamed Ali Yousif, Tag Eldin O. Sokrab, Isam Eldin Abdelbagi, Samah A. Mazin, Hassan Tawfik


Background: About 16% of the adult Qataris at ages of 20 to 79 were diabetic. The prevalence of peripheral diabetic neuropathy in Arabic ranged between 38-94% in diabetic. Medications in studied were Amitriptyline, Carbamazepine, Celecoxib, Diclofenac, Duloxetine, Fluoxetine, Gabapentin, Imipramine, Meloxicam, Paracetamol and pregabalin.

The specific objective; how the DPNP patients would perceive the benefits of medications Secondary objectives; which medication(s) perceived to restore a patient’s quality of life. In addition, which medications could realize a 50% benefits for releasing DPNP.

Setting: participants selected randomly, when attended their routine appointments in six health centers under in Qatar.

Sample size: 646 DPNP participants

Inclusion criteria: Diabetic from 18 years and above, taking medications to treat DPNP for duration of at least three weeks.

Exclusion criteria: Patients taking same medications for other ailments, diabetic less than 18 years old, and those with difficulty in communication. Results: Participants showed abilities to perceive the benefits of their medications, and their impact on some domains of quality of life. Gabapentin perceived by average percent of 70.70 % to be beneficial in the above mentioned domains. Imipramine perceived by 24% beneficial. Fluoxetine not completely perceived as beneficial. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs studied perceived to be less than 50% beneficial. Conclusion: Patient’s perception on benefits of medications may be of high importance factor in medication selection. Anticonvulsants perceived to be more beneficial than other medications group. Recommendations: Consider patient’s preferences in selection medications.

Keywords: Patients’ perception, diabetic peripheral neuropathy medications.


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