Effect of Vertical Oscillatory Pressure on Pain Intensity and Respiratory Variables in Patients with Cervical Spondylosis

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJCR.2014.04.01.Art003

Authors : Ilesanmi Oluwafemi Temitayo, Egwu M.O Adedoyin R, Esan O K


Vertical Oscillatory Pressure (VOP) is the simplest and effective manual therapy technique employed by physical therapists for the treatment of cervical spondylosis (CS). However, its effect on the respiratory system has not been established. Therefore this study is assessing the effect of VOP on pain intensity and respiratory variables of patients with cervical spondylosis. The study determined and compared the pain intensity, respiratory rate and vital capacity during and after the application of vertical oscillatory pressure (VOP) in patients with cervical spondylosis. Sixty participants (30 patients, 30 controls) aged between 27-77 years (mean 48.50±13.41, 48.03±13.74) and comprising 26 males and 34 females, after giving informed consent, were recruited for the study. The respiratory rate, vital capacity and pain intensity were measured before, during and one minute after application of VOP. The results showed there were no significant differences in the respiratory rates for the subjects (F=0.13, p>0.05), while vital capacity significantly increased only in the subject groups after VOP, (F=3.20, p<0.05). Furthermore, VOP significantly reduced pain intensity of the subjects with cervical spondylosis (F=30.59, p<0.05). It was concluded that there was a strong association between the hypoalgesic effect of VOP and the sympatho-excitatory response which cuts across the respiratory functions of patients with cervical spondylosis involving respiratory rate and vital capacity.

Keywords: Vertical Oscillatory Pressure (VOP), Pain Intensity, Respiratory Variables


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