Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Mtb) Detection using Zielh-Neelson (Z-N) Stain to Identify Acid Fast Bacilli.

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Authors : Martina Awuor Ouma


The review of the article identifies Tuberculosis (TB) as an infectious disease which is known worldwide with reference to India being the second largest populated country in the world. Secondly it identifies Acid Fast Bacilli using Zielh-Neelson (Z-N) staining in a clinical laboratory for the identification of TB using the best possible method to obtain secretions from the lower airways of patients as compared to bacterial identification which is normally used.

Various diagnostic methods and materials used to evaluate the article authority and accuracy will be outlined which includes sample study, period of examination, ethical practices prior starting the study, study protocol, study design, inclusion and exclusion criteria carried out systematically under sterile conditions.

Analysis of AFB smear will be explained and presented using tables which are instrumental in the identification of other diagnostic methods like sputum smear microscopy and X-ray method. Conclusion of the study will be based on the safest method for identification of the organism, which is cost effective and has the potential to offer treatment to the suspected patients. On the other hand, the article has obtained its objectivity and coverage by using various ethical committees and by declaring no conflict of interest among the authors who have contributed equally to the study.

Finally, the evaluation of the article will be carried through the use of well designed and précised questionnaires, a case sheet proforma plus relevant referees attached to the article to aid more understanding.


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