The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials
This review critically analyzes the article ‘The
Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials in the New England
Journal of Medicine (NEJM). The review will summarize the article by providing
the purpose for the article, how research was conducted, the results and other
pertinent information from the article. The review will also critique the
article analyze the article’s accessibility and credibility based on its
relevance to the subject matter. It will highlight some relevant progress in
the topic under study that might have occurred since the article was published.
The article was well written, clear and relevant to
the challenges facing the clinical research industry. Missing data points
threaten the validity of many clinical trials. At the request of the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) and with its funding, the panel on the handling of
missing data in clinical trials was created by the National Research Council's
(NRC) Committee on National Statistics. This panel published a report with
recommendations that was intended to be used by the FDA for guidance on
handling missing data for the entire clinical trial community so that the
latter can take measures to improve the conduct and analysis of clinical
trials. The current article provides an overview of the findings and
recommendations of the resultant report from the perspective of one member of
the NRC panel.
Overall the paper
succinctly summarizes issues related to missing data and the current state of
challenges pertaining to the topic. It creates an understanding of the topic
for the reader by discussing some of the main recommendations from the NRC
panel’s report on this topic.
viewed 15October, 2013
viewed 19October, 2013
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