The Emerging Global Challenge of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Therapy (An Expert Opinion)

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJCR.2014.06.01.Art006

Authors : Khalid Rahman


MDR-TB (Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis) reportedly proves to be the greatest health care burden responsible for a substantial deterioration of health-related quality of life of underprivileged people across the globe. MDR-TB. The late diagnosis of MDR-TB, absence of standardized therapy, and treatment delays are some of the significant factors that substantially elevate comorbidity and mortality risk of the affected patients. HIV positive MDR-TB patients experience a drastic reduction in their life expectancy and wellness outcomes. The WHO guidelines recommend various treatment regimens for the systematic treatment of MDR-TB. Category-4 therapy proves to be the standard treatment option for MDR-TB patients. However, the clinicians still require closely monitoring the clinical history of their MDR-TB patients/suspects in the context of including the most appropriate drugs in category-4 therapy. The elevated side-effects of MDR-TB therapies lead to treatment non-compliance and discontinuation of category-4 intervention. This eventually increases the frequency of MDR-TB-related comorbidities and mortality on a global scale. The clinicians and researchers require revisiting the already approved MDR-TB treatment regimens in the context of modifying the drugs’ combinations and/or dosages for decreasing the length of overall therapy while minimizing the risk of side effects. The researchers require undertaking prospective clinical trials to evaluate the therapeutic targets of unapproved MDR-TB treatment drugs in the context of optimizing the treatment combinations. Furthermore, the enhancement of drug susceptibility techniques and the thorough clinical examination of each MDR-TB case are highly required to effectively improve the overall quality of the selected antituberculosis therapy.

Keywords: MDR-TB, Drug-resistant, Tuberculosis, Pharmacotherapy, Adverse-Effects, Recommendations.


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