Validity of Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (Meows) In Low Resource Setting: A Case of St. Francis Hospital Nsambya, Kampala, Uganda
Globally every day, about 830 women die due to complications of pregnancy and child
birth. Of these deaths, 99% occur in low-resource settings, and most could be prevented.
Use of Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS) would be appropriate. MEOWS is a monitoring
chart intended to identify mothers at risk and initiate the right action, at right
time by the appropriately skilled clinicians, at a time when treatment might make
a difference to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
To determine the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of Modified Early
Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS) in correctly identifying women at risk of developing
obstetric morbidity in St. Francis Hospital_Nsambya between January and February,
The study was a prospective cohort study conducted at St. Francis Hospital Nsambya,
maternity ward, from January to February 2016. MEOWS monitoring tool was used alongside
with questionnaires.
502 respondent mothers were enrolled in the study. 160patients (31.9%) triggered
and of which: 11.5% of them had obstetric morbidity which included postpartum haemorrhage-35.5%,
preeclampsia-26.3%, suspected infection-22.4%, third degree perineum tear-5.3%,
anaesthetic complications-4% and prolong hospital stay-7%. MEOWS was 81.7% sensitive
(95% CI 80-94%), 76.3% specific (95% CI 74-81%), with a positive predictive value
36.3% (95% CI 31-44%) and negative predictive value of 96.2% (95% CI 94-99%).
MEOWS chart is even effective for use in low resource setting, like Uganda.
Keywords: Modified Early
Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS). Sensitivity. Validity. Predictive values. Maternal
Morbidity. Maternal Mortality.
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