Antifungal, Contraceptive, Anti-Cancer, Mosquito Repellent Properties of Azadirachta Indica: A review

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DOI: 10.21522./TIJBMS.2016.02.01.Art006

Authors : Niharika Anand


Azadirachta indica, or more commonly known as Neem, is noted for a variety of medicinal properties. Large numbers of unique phytochemical constituents have been purified from this plant that are being used effectively as anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. Neem leaf is an essential ingredient of many Ayurveda medicines. Gedunin and nimbidol are found in the leaves of neem, are shown powerful antifungal activity in various fungal infections in humans. Traditional forms of medicine practiced for centuries in Africa and Asia has been reported that, the leaf extract of Azardica indica possess wound healing activity when applied over external wound and it also taken internally to boost immunity and improve overall health. Several parts of this plant are used in many ailments such as intestinal pain, diabetics, fever, hepatitis, etc. Although the effects of neem are widely known and appreciated, thus far steps haven’t been taken to study its individual properties, and prove through research the extent of its prowess. This review gives a bird’s eye view mainly on the some of the biological activity of the neem includes antifungal, contraceptive and anti-cancer and mosquito repellent properties.

Keywords: Azardica indica, antifungal, contraceptive, anti-cancer, P.ovale, mosquito repellent.


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