Prevalence and Causes of Colorectal Cancer

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Authors : Brijesh Kukreti, Mohd. Faiz, Makrand Vilas Hajare, Vibhanshu Singh, Lupin Malviya


Introduction: Colorectal cancer, A malignant tumor arising from the inner wall of the large intestine (the colon & rectum). Globally, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer death. Arising through three major pathways, including adenoma–carcinoma sequence, serrated pathway and inflammatory pathway, CRC represents an etiologically heterogeneous disease according to subtyping by tumor anatomical location or global molecular alterations.

Methods: This is observational study based on data from different articles and survey on colorectal cancer. The articles and surveys are American cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2019, Pan American Health Organization, Elizabeth Quamina Cancer Registry of TT, Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCa) for 2016/2017, REVISTA DE GASTROENTEROLOGIA DE MEXICO.

The study included all the incident cases of colorectal between year 2012-2018.

Result: From analyzing the cases of colorectal cancer in different countries like Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Trinidad &Tobago and USA, findings show that in last two decades there is drastic increase in number of cases of colorectal cancer by various factors such as consumption of red meat, low dietary values in fruits and vegetables , smoking and high consumption is likely to drive increasing CRC incidence in Caribbean and other western countries. Furthermore, the rising incidence of CRC at younger age (before age 50 years) is an emerging trend.

Conclusion: Among the western countries growth of CRC now is lesser by the familial factors as the ‘rise’ of colorectal cancer in developed countries can be attributed to the increasingly ageing population, unfavorable modern dietary habits and an increase in risk factors such as smoking, low physical exercise and obesity.
