The Effect of Using Garlic as an Antihypertensive Drug

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Authors : Evannie Edwards


The study was conducted in a bid to ascertain information on the effects of using garlic as an antihypertensive drug in patients with hypertension as opposed to using conventional medication.

It is pertinent to note how it is that garlic actually works to reduce blood pressure. The blood pressure reducing properties of garlic is due to a biologically active substance called allicin and garlic sulphides or S-methyl-1-cysteine sulfoxide.

Allicin not only relaxes the blood vessels but it also has an influence on the function of angiotensin I.

The hypotensive effect of garlic may also be due to its indirect ability to reduce cholesterol levels; reducing platelet aggregation and thrombosis.

Garlic activates the production of nitric oxide synthase and hydrogen sulphide which helps to relax blood vessels.

Studies using animal species have shown that garlic possesses properties that are capable of reducing blood pressure.

Due to interest in the topic, the researcher decided to conduct an investigation in order to ascertain more satisfying results.

The researcher gathered information from Ovid Medline, Cochrane Library and PubMed in order to identify randomized controlled trials that analyzed the effect of garlic on blood pressure.

Based on the information obtained, the result of this study proved that garlic has a greater effect on decreasing systolic blood pressure (by 3.75 mmHg) than in the diastolic blood pressure (1.59 mmHg).

It therefore stands to reason that hypertensive patients can be advised to use garlic as a supplementation to their medication, but not as a total substitute.

Keywords: Garlic; Allicin; hydrogen sulphide.
