1. Article uniqueness should be above 85%
  2. Title: not too long below 20 words, Times New Roman 14-point, boldface type, centered. Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions.
  3. File format should in word (doc, docx)
  4. Abstract should 250 words with keywords (4 to 6)
  5. Page Layout: 8.5 x 11-inch paper; for A4 paper
  6. Use Times News Roman font
  7. Follow the Title Case in all the section level headings
  8. First-level headings: Times New Roman 13-point boldface, Title Case, Justify, Top and Bottom: 6pt.
  9. Second-level headings: Times New Roman 12-point boldface, Title Case, Justify, Top and Bottom: 6pt.
  10. Third-level headings: Times New Roman 11-point boldface, Title Case, Justify, Top and Bottom: 6pt.
  11. Reference: Use Times New Roman 10-point type.
  12. Acknowledgements should be brief and placed at the end of the text before the references.
  13. All paragraphs should be indented 1 pica (approximately 0.17-inch or 0.422 cm).
  14. Author names and affiliations are to be centered beneath the title and printed in Times New Roman 12-point, non-boldface type. Multiple authors may be shown in a two or three-column format, with their affiliations below their respective names. Affiliations are centered below each author name, italicized, not bold. Include e-mail addresses.
  15. Same Author should not be presented more than 3 articles in a same Issue.
  16. Don't use enter key in the article title. Please Mention the title in single or double line
  17. Mention the Author names and Affiliations as per the given Format below, Author 1, Author 2, Author 3..etc Affiliation 1 Affiliation 2 Affiliation 3 . . etc (All Affiliations should be in the format of "Department, University/Organization, place, country").
  18. As per Journal standard Roles/Degree are not allowed in Author group and affiliations. Kindly remove the roles/degree in author group and affiliations.
  19. Figures and Tables used in the manuscript should be in sequential order with respective captions and citations. (Individual caption should be present for all figures/tables)
  20. Update all figures as whole images instead of grouping multiple elements together.
  21. Figures should not be Fig 1a, 1b, 1c..etc. Include all the part labels (a, b, c...etc) inside the respective images and ensure all the figures are whole/single images like Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3..etc with individual captions as “Figure 1. Caption content; Figure 2. Caption Content…etc)
  22. Kindly avoid using Enter key in tables. Create an individual rows and columns for every line.
  23. Tables should be in Editable format instead of image format. (By using Insert Table/Table design Tab you can modify)
  24. Mention all the formulas in equation format by using insert-Equation option. (Note: Please note that you can frame the equation as equation mode in word doc. by using Insert equation option (i.e., In word doc., Near by Home, Insert option will be there, After You click the Insert option You can see the symbol phi at last, in which you can edit your equation by clicking the insert new equation option.)
  25. Both reference citations as well as references in reference list should be in Numbered format as like [1], [2], [3],..etc.
  26. Need to mention at least 20 References.
  27. Reference part should be update as per the Author Guideline.
  28. Author name, initial, year, title of the paper, Journal name, Volume/issue, page number, Link “For example: [For an article in a journal] [1] Goss, R. O., 1990, Economic policies and seaports: Strategies for port authorities. Maritime Policy and Management, 17(4), 273-287,
  29. Minimum word count of the article should be above 3000 words.
  30. All the sections - i.e., “Methods, Results, Discussion” should be with statistical data.
  31. Conflict of interest, Ethical Approval should be present in the manuscript.

Articles Published


When you going to prepare your manuscript, the first thing have to consider is that the order of the sections for the manuscript.

Length of the Manuscript: 10-15 Pages

1. Compose a short and descriptive Title

2. Write the Abstract

Abstract should describe the important findings in your research. It provides the short description and purpose of your paper.

< 250 words. Use the word "Abstract" as the title, in 12-point Times New Roman, boldface type, centered relative to the column, initially capitalized. The abstract is to be in 11-point, single-spaced type.

3. Select Keyword for Indexing

The purpose of Keywords is used for indexing your paper. The keywords are the label for your manuscript.

6 words in 11-point Times New Roman

4. Write a compelling Introduction

In this part, state the purpose of the study. The following should be stated clearly:

  • Problem to be solved?
  • Any existing solutions for the problems?
  • Which is the Best one?
  • Limitations?
  • Achievements?

11-point Times New Roman, text justified

5. Write the Methods

In this section, describe the methods followed and responds to the question how the problem was studied. The order is as follows:

  • Description of the Site
  • Description of the Experiments done
  • Description of the laboratory methods
  • Description of statistical methods used.

11-point Times New Roman, text justified

6. Write up the Results

In this section, responds to the question what have you found. The result should be essential for discussion.

11-point Times New Roman, text justified

7. Write the Discussion

In this section, should have discussion corresponding to the results. To achieve good think:

  • How do the results relate to the objectives outlined in the Introduction section?
  • Are the results are consistent with other researchers?
  • What further research would be necessary to answer the questions raised by your results?

11-point Times New Roman, text justified

8. Write a clear Conclusion

In this section, you should provide clear justification for your work and indicate the uses and extension if appropriate.

11-point Times New Roman, text justified

9. Prepare the Figures and Tables

Figure and the tables are the efficient way to present your results of the study. The legend for the figures and the tables should be self-explanatory.

Figure Label: 10-point Times New Roman, text centered, below the Figure

Table Label: 10-point Times New Roman, text centered, above the Table

10. Write up the References

IIn this section, References for the work which is done by you has to list out. Avoid unpublished references. Check the author names, Year of Publications, usage of et al, punctuation etc.

10-point Times New Roman, text justified with number

Call for Papers



Authors cordially invited to submit papers for the upcoming edition Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2025.

Important Dates:

Last date of submission: 30th June 2025
Issue Publication: 29th August 2025



Authors cordially invited to submit papers for the upcoming edition Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2025.

Important Dates:

Last date of submission: 30th March 2025
Issue Publication: 29th April 2025



Authors cordially invited to submit papers for the upcoming edition Volume 11, Issue 1, May 2025.

Important Dates:

Last date of submission: 31st April 2025
Issue Publication: 30th May 2025