Intricacies of Secured Multi-Biometric System

The Multi-biometrics
system is designed as a measure for security purposes to recognize individuals using
all available features. It is a thrilling research domain carried out to boost the
security level of a country or of an organization. The integration of muti-modal
biometrics in real time application resolves the limitations of the uni-modal applications.
Although, the design and assessment of the multi-biometrics systems raises much
issues, this paper tends to unravel the clumsiness and trade-offs in its applications,
the benefits of fusion level, integration strategies and check to spoofing. In conclusion,
a thorough reviewing of multi-modal secured biometrics techniques and approaches
was carried out to ensure data identification integrity. Some points were suggested
for consideration as subjects of interest for future research.
Keywords: Multi-Biometrics; Multimodal application; Unimodal application; Secured Biometrics;
fusion levels Spoofing.
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