The relevance of Financial Statements and Its Impact on Organizational Performance: A case study of Atwima Mponua Rural Bank
This paper investigates the relevance of financial statements on Rural
and Community Bank performance. Rural banks are the main source of financial service
in rural sub- Saharan Africa and their services are mostly patronized by persons
with little or no level of education. The study is therefore examining their level
of knowledge on financial performance of the rural bank in which they are investing.
The data was collected from a sample of one hundred and eighty respondents using
questionnaires and face to face interviews conducted with management staff of the
bank and used for analysis. The statistical tools employed in assessing the relevance
of financial statements on the performance of Atwima Mponua Rural Bank were Mean
distribution, coefficient of variation and regression analysis. The results indicate
that the bank has been giving account statement quarterly or yearly to its customers.
Findings of the study indicate that the bank post its annual financial statement
to customers or post it on the bank’s notice board. Then, it is found that the bank
organized annual general meetings to explain its financial statement to its customers.
It is therefore concluded that there is no evidence to ascertain that knowledge
on financial statement is relevant to organizational performance. It is recommended
that this study will be extended to other rural banks in the country to help assess
the findings of this study.
Keywords: Financial Statements, Performance, Atwima Mponua Rural Bank,
Case study
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