Comparing Data Reported using the National Health Management Information System and data Declared/Validated on the PBF Declaration forms in Fundong Health District

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Authors : Kum Ghabowen Iwimbong


The Cameroon Government through the Ministry of Health (MOH) introduced the National Health Management Information System (NHMIS) tool in the country in 1995 to harmonize the data collection process within the health system at all levels(1). Before this time, the MOH had no harmonized tool for health information and the different health facilities within the health system had varied data collection tools. The major role of the NHMIS involved data collection to show case the country’s health status, data quality enhancement and proper definition of each indicator therein, thorough data analysis at all levels of the health system and informed decision making by actors, timely feedback at all levels, enabling access of data at all levels to development partners and prompt epidemiological surveillance and timely intervention in the case of an epidemic (2). The elements of an effective SNIS are its relevance, how it satisfies clearly defined and quantified public health goals, its performance, does it work with efficient methods and tools and competent professionals? its usefulness, how is it used by its targeted audience (decision makers, health professionals, community stakeholders) and its consistency, are the various stakeholders and information sources well-coordinated?

The setting of institutional mechanisms and incentives in order to introduce an evidence base decision making process has been seen by many scholars as important and a major need. Thus Performance based financing at implementation had as one of its principles to strengthen the health system not leaving out the SNIS. In this light, the data reported in the project at the level of the health facility is supposed to be consistent with data reported in the NHMIS. This study sought to find out if this is actually the case on the field.


[1]. Report A. African development fund. 2000;(March).

[2]. Merit I, Process R. Reinforcing the Health Information System to Step up the Viabilization of Health Districts Policy brief July 2010. 2010;(July):1–11.