Enhanced Simplified Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm

Data has become very important not only for individuals but for
organizations as well. Data security is the biggest challenge that we care facing
currently. Recent successful hacks and data breaches have certainly played an important
role in the development of data security related technologies.
Cryptography is a well adopted method to ensure that data is
secure and confidentiality of user data is maintained.
The content owner encrypts the actual data using an encryption
key which converts the data into cipher text. The cipher text is an intermediate
data which is unreadable form which can be shared amount other users and can be
stored in the various storage media.
The cipher text can be converted into the actual data using the
same encryption key in case of symmetric key encryption or using different key in
case of asymmetric key encryption.
Currently, the Encryption/Decryption algorithms that exist depend
on complex mathematical manipulations. The length of the encryption keys are growing
and growing to get more secure and more stronger encryption thus processing throughput
and memory consumption requirement is also growing.
In this work researchers are focusing on various symmetric key
encryption throughput and memory consumption with proposed high speed new algorithm
which can be useful for the devices with low memory and processing capabilities.
The work sought the possibility to trim down the complicated throughput of symmetric
cryptography and ensuring maximum security at the same time.
Cryptography, Algorithms, Authentication, Cipher text, Complex Mathematical Manipulations,
Encryption, Decryption, Symmetric Key.
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