An article on explosion of ethnic violence in Warrap state In south Sudan

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.03.01.Art037

Authors : Emmanuel Moju


As matter of facts, ethnic conflict is an outcome of number of interrelated factors. It is important to cautiously and thoroughly study each of these factors and establish relationship among the characteristics involved. Appropriate approach is useful in an endeavor to resolve ethnic conflicts through a peaceful means.

Ethnic conflict leads, among other things, to the breakdown of law and order, the disruption of economic activities, political stability, humanitarian crises and a state of uncertainty which prevent long run investment and development efforts and peace. A case on line is the conflict that broke out between the SPLA and SPLA in opposition on 15th December 2013, in South Sudan, all the developments made from independence till the date were gone.

Violent ethnic conflict leads to extraordinary displacement of people including vulnerable groups such as women, children, the elderly as well as the disabled who often are seriously affected by violent conflict. Therefore, it is worthwhile to give due concern to interethnic relations and manage it cautiously and systematically. Conflict is like contagious disease. Unwise handling of conflict gives it the opportunity to widespread all of a sudden. If it occurred, conflict must be handled at its early stages. Once allowed to escalate, it would change to violence that cannot be easily remedied and control. A good example is the Central Africa Republic ongoing ethnic violence between the Muslims and the Christians (Alemayehu, Fantaw. (2009). 


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