An Assessment of Work Stress among Secondary School Teachers in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria

Background: Teachers’ job is fast becoming
more stressful in recent times, and this tends to affect the level of teaching effectiveness.
Stress may be conceptualized as a complex, multivariate process, resulting from
a broad system of variables involving inputs, outputs, and the mediating
activities of appraisal and coping.
The main
objective of the study was to determine work stress among secondary school
teachers in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. Specifically to
determine the major stressors among secondary school teachers in Gboko L.G.A of
Benue state, to identify the effects of these stressors on the health of
secondary school teachers in Gboko L.G.A of Benue state and to identify the
various methods of stress coping strategies used by secondary school teachers
in Gboko L.G.A of Benue State.
descriptive survey design was used for the study to determine the work stress
among teachers in Gboko L.G.A of Benue State. A total of 5 teachers
(respondents) each from the randomly selected 39 secondary schools were
selected to make a total of 195 sample size. The instrument of the study was
questionnaire and formulated hypothesis was tested using chi-square
The findings
showed that secondary school teachers in Gboko L.G.A were experiencing stress
in their teaching job as nearly all the teachers agree with items identified in
the instrument as stressors. Inadequate salary, delayed payment of salary,
delayed promotions; involuntary transfers are among poor working conditions
considered highly or extremely stressful to the respondents.
The stress
experience was found to have both physical and mental effects on the
respondents. The findings also revealed that the secondary school teachers
frequently use the active behavioral and inactive (escape) strategies in
managing stress 2
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