Challenges Faced by Leaders of Institutions of Higher Learning in Uganda: Case Study of Mbale Public and Private Universities

spending 30 years in the education sector, I have realized that there are issues
that most of the time cause schools to not operate or function as planned. Each
school has its own vision and mission, goal and for well-organized schools strategic
plans to attain those goals are developed. Issues arise frequently during the implementation
phase of strategic plans. These issues are many and vary with schools. Some are
caused by people involved in the education and others are related to situations
that sometimes those people can or cannot control.
is facing many issues in the world today and following are the top ten issues that
need to be considered. According to DeWitt (2014), there are 10 critical issues that need to be examined. These include
Common Core Standards, Student learning, technology, social media, politics, high
stakes tests, school leadership, pre-service teaching programmes, school climate
and poverty. All these are crucial to the field of education and need to be critically
looked at in order to gauge education systems and find a way to address those issues
and find a way to solve each one of them for the betterment of the education system.
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