Managing the Paradigm Shift to E-Learning in Distance Education (A Case Study at CoDE, UCC)

study sought to find out how e-learning staff in the College of Distance
Education of University of Cape Coast (CoDE, UCC) are prepared and vested in
the management of paradigm shift to e-learning. Diagrams of Educational
Management Paradigm of the past and that of today were looked at. There have
been a number of earlier comparative studies e.g. Peter’s(2003) which indicate
that paradigm shift includes a transition from modern curricula to post-modern
curricula. The population for the study consisted of all 15 staff of CoDE in
UCC who are managing the e-learning platform. All the 15 staff were used as the
sample for the study. The instrument used for data collection was an interview
guide. Data were analysed using themes. All the respondents agreed that e-learning
platform is a forum for knowledge sharing and it is also a space for
collaboration and interactivity. They also agreed that the Goal of e-learning
is to create a transformative learning environment. They also stated that they
have the skills in implementing e-learning at CoDE in UCC. However, their main
challenges were that students are not given the chance to control e-learning
platform. It is recommended that staff should be very clear about their
multiple roles they are prepared for and take on while implementing e-learning.
The staff should also have the corresponding changing role-related skills and
competencies in order to provide high quality platform for distance learners.
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